Qurbani 2023

Share Your Qurbani With Us

Qurbani 2020

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic our foundation has done some projects for those who don’t have the situation to survive the condition. Due to this situation many people in or out of the country who used to perform Qurbani are not able to do so this time. As a result, the one-third part of the Qurbani that the poor and helpless people would get will be less this time. Some of them used to run their family by selling the leather they got, but this time it will be less.

 So, we took an initiative for the benefit of those who are not able to perform Qurbani directly and provide food for the low-income people. We sacrificed 1 cow and 14 goats for them on behalf of our donors and we distributed that meat in many places.

Qurbani 2021

This year corona crisis is worse than the last year. In this worse situation we all are suffering. But the poor and helpless people are facing a crucial situation. Due to this situation many people in or out of the country who used to perform Qurbani are not able to do so this time. As a result, the one-third part of the Qurbani that the poor and helpless people would get will be less this time. Some of them used to run their family by selling the leather they got, but this time it will be less.
So, we took an initiative for the benefit of those who are not able to perform Qurbani directly and provide food for the low-income people as like as last year. We sacrificed 3 cows and 15 goats at the different regions in Jhenaidah and Rajbari districts on behalf of our donors and we distributed that meat among the 1,500 poor & helpless families.

Qurbani 2022

This year flood occurd in northern part in our country very badly. In this worse situation they all are suffering. But the poor and helpless people are facing a crucial situation. Due to this situation many people in this area who used to perform Qurbani are not able to do so this time. As a result, the one-third part of the Qurbani that the poor and helpless people would get will be less this time. Some of them used to run their family by selling the leather they got, but this time it will be less. So, we took an initiative for the benefit of those who are not able to perform Qurbani directly and provide food for the low-income people as like as last year. We sacrificed 5 cows and 20 goats at the different regions in Rangpur and Kurigram districts on behalf of our donors and we distributed that meat among the 3,000 poor & helpless families.

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